9 Reasons Alone Time Is Good For Your Soul

My friends, family, and significant other? They are fabulous. We get along great, and I love being around them... most of the time. As a self-proclaimed introvert though, I have to admit that my alone time is just as precious to me. There are countless fun things to do alone, and while it's nice to have company, sometimes it's extremely refreshing to appreciate life from a perspective that's entirely your own.

I recently went on a weekend getaway in Southern California with just myself, a beautiful new 2015 Ford Mustang, and miles of open desert road. Whether it was the fresh air and warm sun or the endless hours of freedom I had at my fingertips, I came out the other end of my adventure feeling like a new person. If you're able to, take some time to yourself — whether it's just an for hour or for an entire trip — and see what it can do for you. Here are more reasons why alone time is good for your soul.

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1. Being Alone Gives You Time to Think

Life can be crazy sometimes — crazy good, crazy bad, or just crazy busy — and it's easy to get caught up in your hectic week or month and forget to allow yourself time to process things. Being alone gives us the time we all need to reflect on important events and to organize our feelings about the things that have happened. Without this, we can get overwhelmed with all we are trying to juggle mentally, and this can cause extra anxiety and stress.

2. You Can Get Creative

There's nothing like putting on headphones, listening to your favorite songs, and getting down to work. It doesn't matter if you're a writer, an artist, a musician, or a software engineer; we all have creative outlets and we all need to nurture them as much as we can. Being by yourself gives you the motivation and the opportunity to open your mind and explore new ideas, then put those ideas to good use.

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3. You Can Recharge

Being around people is both exhilarating and exhausting. It means having to constantly be alert and aware of what's going on around you and in conversations that require your full attention. Socializing at work and with friends is definitely a positive thing, but it can also be draining. When you're alone, you can use that quiet time to recharge and regroup. It's essential to do this so that when you're around people again, you feel refreshed, more energetic, and ready to interact.

4. You Get to Know Yourself Better

Spending time alone means taking your thoughts and feelings into account above anyone else's, and when you do this, you get to explore your personality in depth. The more time you get to know yourself, the more you'll find out just how awesome you are.

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5. You Become More Independent

When you're alone, you don't have the option of depending on other people for their opinions, advice, or help. You call all the shots, and even though that can be scary sometimes, it also means you become more reliant on yourself — and this is a great thing. Being independent means being self-assured, so that you can bring that confidence to the table when you're with people, too.

6. You See and Hear Things You Wouldn't Otherwise

We often make idle conversation with people just to fill the silence, but when we're quiet, we can hear and see things we don't notice otherwise. We are able to appreciate the small things in life because we don't miss them when they happen, and being alone can help you pay more attention to those important moments.

7. You Get to Do Whatever You Want to Do

You don't have to make compromises with anyone on where to eat, what movie to watch, or what sights to see on a trip. You can spend all the time you'd like to doing exactly what you want to do, and while having company is sometimes welcome, going on your own private adventures can be just as exciting and fulfilling.

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8. You're More Productive

It's easier to get more things accomplished when you're free from distractions — including people — and taking some time to yourself to put all your efforts into getting things checked off your to-do list can be extremely rewarding.

9. You Appreciate the People in Your Life

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Taking some time away from the people in your life can help you realize how important and valuable they are to you. This break can renew your excitement for spending time with the people who you care about the most, and you will return from spending time alone happier and more enthusiastic about seeing them.

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